Elevate your CRM Capabilities with an AI Copilot

Transform your CRM to instantly perform tedious tasks - assign leads, create deals, draft content and much more with just a click

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Get Instant Answers

Find info from various data sources & respond to customer queries 24x7

Execute Complex Actions

Automate workflows and perform actions based on a user prompt

Create Compelling Content

Create, summarize & personalize text, image or audio content for multiple use cases


Instantly Access Data with a Single Prompt

Find customer profiles, support tickets, contract details, sales metrics and more with just a prompt


Execute Tedious Tasks in no Time

Use the Copilot to assign leads to sales reps, create new deals, update deal stages, enrich company data and more within seconds


Generate Text and Media Within Your Software

Draft personalized emails, sales proposals, customer interaction summaries and generate actionable insights within your software

How it works

Learn how you can easily build and integrate an AI Copilot within your software


Record flows on your product to publish them as automation

Perform the product task as you normally would & let our plugin record it as a workflow. Record, edit and publish the workflows.


Customize theme,
make Copilot your own

From logo & brand colors to messaging style, customize everything you need to make it truly yours.


Copy paste a small piece of code to embed on your website & app*

Integrate with your product using less than 10 lines of code and let the copilot do tasks for your users.

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This is the title of the case study

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Read Case Study
Vaibhav Bhalekar
Microsoft’s new era of AI PCs will need a Copilot key, says Intel! It's exciting to see technology is advancing and how AI is becoming more integrated into our daily lives.

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